Store's Terms and Conditions

  1. 10 working days are required for the print process and delivery of the product ("Artwork Print").

  2. Once processed, all sales are final.

  3. No refunds or exchanges will be granted.

  4. Our Cape Town Heritage (OCTH) makes no representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, in connection with the Artwork Print. OCTH excludes all liability (whether in contact, contract or otherwise), to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, for any loss or damage that may result to you or a third party in connection with the Artwork Print.

  5. While every care is taken to ensure the safety and integrity of your print, OCTH will not be held responsible for any damages incurred by a third party during the printing and transportation process of your Artwork Print.

  6. Gary Frier ("Artist") produces the Artwork Prints on the strict understanding that it will be available for purchase through the website or any other outlet approved by the Artist. The Artist is the responsible party for the production of the final Artwork Print.

  7. Copyright of the Art solely remains the property of the Artist. You (“The Buyer”) may not reproduce any image of the Art and may not, at any time, publish or submit for publication or reproduction any image of the Artwork Print to any third party, including any internet website for any purpose.