Get to know OCTH


The OCTH team comprises three directors; Tashneem Abrahams - founder and Chief Executive Director, Muneera Davids - Director of Operations and Communications Liaison, and Nazley Towfie - Director of Finance and Contract Specialist. The Directors are supported by volunteers who enhance the OCTH experience by offering their impressive and knowledgeable expertise.

While we are situated in Cape Town, the rest of the team can be found all over the world. Aaliyah Ahmed is located in Egypt and Aarifah Boomgaard can be found in Boston, USA. Working together from across the world to preserve heritage, promote marginalized artists, safeguard the history of different cultures, challenge stereotypes, and encourage conversations between communities through interactive exhibitions.

Aaliyah Ahmed is our Curator; who perfectly executes each exhibition with her experienced knowledge in curation. Her work encapsulates the essence of each exhibition and expands on the vision of the artists whose work we showcase. Her valuable contributions ensure that our exhibitions accurately portray the mission statement of the organization, thereby aiding us to illustrate how important the work of cultural and heritage preservation is through her design and curatorial writing.

Our Social Media Manager is Aarifah Boomgaard who ensures our social media runs smoothly and offers invaluable support in creating and curating beautiful content for our Instagram and Facebook platforms.

Our researcher Whaleed Ahjum offers indispensable knowledge in research which supports our intention to offer the public with factual historical information. He is one of the artists that were showcased in the A Glimpse of Two Memoirs: Childhood Nostalgia; and believes so strongly in our mission statement he has offered his services to be a part of our team. He has also developed the branding of OCTH, and is involved in other creative endeavours by the organisation.

Acknowledgement: Abdud-Daiyaan Petersen advises us on a consultant basis and offers his extensive knowledge in the field of archival research, to complement our exhibitions.

Tashneem Abrahams

Founder / Chief Executive Director

Muneera Davids

Director of Operations & Communications Liaison

Nazley Towfie

Director of Finance & Contract Specialist

Aaliyah Ahmed

Head Curator

Aarifah Boomgaard

Social Media Manager

Whaleed Ahjum
